We have one of Europe’s largest stock of obsolete Mitsubishi PLCs. Among modular systems MELSEC A has been widely used for many years but the series was phased out in the early 2000s in favor of the MELSEC Q series. We stock large quantities of both A and AnS as well as distributed I/O systems, while we continuously stock up on Q items.
Among modular systems we stock all the obsolete Mitsubishi FX-series: FX, FX0, FX0N, FX0S, FX1N, FX1S and FX2N as well as the more modern FX3U and FX3G series. We can also supply the predecessors of Mitsubishi FX: F, F1 and F2.
Close to all Mitsubishi PLCs that we stock are tested by our technicians and prepared for immediate shipping.
In addition to supplying obsolete items we also do programming, troubleshooting, repairs and other services for both modular and compact Mitsubishi PLCs.
- A0J2
- Alpha
- Alpha 2
- AnN, AnA, AnU
- AnS, QnAS
- CC Link
- F/F1/F2
- FX
- FX0
- FX0N
- FX0S
- FX1N
- FX1S
- FX2N
- FX3G
- FX3S
- FX3U
- FX5U
- G
- I/O Link
- iQ-R
- K
- K0J1
- K0J2
- Kablar
- Kontakter
- Melsecnet
- Minne
- Operatörspaneler
- Övrigt
- Plintar
- Profibus
- Programmingsvertyg
- Q
- STLite